Fox News: Feminist Champion

On the Fox News site today, I clicked a link to a Sean Hannity interview with Elizabeth Hasselbeck.
Hannity opened the item by blasting Newsweek's cover story on Gov. Palin as "blatantly sexist." He asked, "What is behind this double standard?"
At about the 3:11 minute mark, Hasselbeck offers this answer to the host's questions: "When I saw that I was infuriated, as most women should be. It is as you said blatantly sexist. Where now is the National Organization for Women? Where are they? Where are they when a conservative woman is being reduced to that sort of cover?"
Hannity chimed in: "It seems to come down to a really basic litmus test whether women's groups will support you or not."
Good point! While some women can be sexually objectified with impunity by the liberal lamestream media, others get protected. Yep, it's a litmus test. One question though. About an inch below the box in which Hannity and Hasselback joined to denounce leching and leering, was a smaller icon that linked to this item.
Question for Fox: what litmus test did these women flunk?
PS - in reply to reader TXANNE, I do agree that the Newsweek cover was sensational and inappropriate. Whatever games Palin may be playing with her admirers do not excuse news sources from playing similar games with their readers.