Follow the Midterms with FrumForum
It’s an important day: a huge opportunity and challenge for the GOP. FF contributors and friends will be liveblogging the returns.
It’s an important day: a huge opportunity and challenge for the GOP. FrumForum contributors and friends will be liveblogging the returns and posting their original commentary -- especially as to what the results will mean for moderate Republicans and the positions we have championed here. I'll be contributing from the green room of the Stephen Colbert show, waiting to be ridiculed live at 11:30 ET tonight.
The question ahead for Republicans: can we do a better job with this renewed trust of power than we have done in some of our previous outings? Can we contribute responsibly to the government of the nation? With government divided, can we reach the necessary compromises to revive the economy and secure longer-term prosperity? Can we resist the pressures to demonize opponents and paralyze government?
The mission of this site tomorrow becomes more urgent than ever:
As a veteran Republican congressman phrased it at a FrumForum editorial lunch, "Will these new members understand why they were elected - before it is too late?" The American people will not today vote for political war. They do not vote to reverse a century of quote-unquote Progressivism: nobody wants the Food and Drug Act repealed.
They are voting to protest the unsuccess of Obama economic policy - and for less debt and lower taxes in the years to come. It's going to require some cooperation in Washington to deliver those results.
Which is why we continue to assert - on the eve of this big Tea Party triumph - that Tea Party Republicanism will have a very short shelf life. It cannot govern. And it represents too small a section of the American nation.
The work of building a bigger Republicanism - a more modern Republicanism - a Republicanism that can include and represent the whole country - that work becomes even more essential after today. And we continue here at FrumForum in full confidence that this work will succeed.