FF Editor Saves Woman

Written by David Frum on Sunday December 5, 2010

Managing editor Meghashyam "Stonewall" Mali deserves recognition for his gallant action Friday night.

Managing editor Meghashyam "Stonewall" Mali deserves recognition for his gallant action Friday night. Meg came across a young woman passed out on a Capitol Hill sidewalk. A very drunk young man was shaking her, banging her head against the concrete, and shouting - none of which was doing much good. Meg checked her pulse, which was lethally low: this was not an ordinary case of somebody passing out after too much drinking. He wrapped her in his own sweater, found a policeman, called an ambulance. The paramedics arrived - skeptical at first - then after examining the unconscious woman, they burst into action, put her on a gurney, and raced her to hospital. "You probably saved her life" one of them told Meg.

Meg went home without fuss, as usual. Meg is somebody who normally avoids the limelight. (Most of the contributors who deal with him seem to think that he's a girl, as in "Meg Ryan.") But around the office, his calm, reliability, and generosity are facts of life as firm and certain as his deadly backfield paintballing skills. Now somebody whose name none of us will ever know can look forward to a happy Christmas that she might otherwise never have seen, thanks to Meg's decision not to walk past. Nobody who knows Meg will be a bit surprised.

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