Feingold Slams Dem Super PACs
Politico reports:
Former Democratic Wisconsin senator Russ Feingold stepped up his attacks Thursday night on party colleagues who accept unlimited and undisclosed outside money.
In a 27-minute keynote speech at Netroots Nation here, Feingold pressured President Barack Obama to make overturning the Citizens United Supreme Court decision — which allowed corporations and unions to fund independent election ads — a central part of his 2012 campaign.
“It shouldn’t be checking a box, ” he said. “It should be in every speech, every statement. It is the bottom line for our democracy.”
He also called out Priorities USA Action, a pro-White House group created in April by two former administration officials as part of a strategy to raise $100 million toward Obama’s election campaign.
“I fear that the Democratic Party is in danger of losing its identity,” Feingold said. “Creating those kinds of Super PACs is wrong … People will see us as weak. People will see us as Corporate Lite. It’s not just wrong. It’s a dumb strategy.”