Police: Canucks Fans Didn't Start Riots

Written by FrumForum News on Friday June 17, 2011

The Chicago Sun-Times reports:

Vancouver is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, but that didn’t stop a bunch of brain-dead rioters from trying to ruin it Wednesday night.
You saw the footage of people in the throes of herd mentality, one of the most powerful and dangerous drugs, ransacking and looting. You saw peacemakers become the outlet for a gang’s violent rage. You saw the aftermath. Not just the physical destruction, but the emotional and public relations toll it’s taking on the city.
So who and what is to blame for this embarrassing black eye, this foul aftertaste at the end of a thrilling installment of the NHL Playoffs? Is it a case of sports spawning misplaced rage? Is it fandom gone too far? Or is it something else entirely?
I’ll take the last option.
Rioting after major sporting events is nothing new. It happens every couple of years to a level which draws national attention and ire. And in every single case, one fact remains consistent. These morons destroying everything they can get their grubby little paws on aren’t real fans. They are of a certain subset of people that will use any excuse to go out and show their stupidity to the world.

Category: The Feed