Does This Letter Make Us Look Crazy?

Written by FF Washington Insider on Sunday March 1, 2009

The latest fundraising letter from the Republican Party of Virginia. Does it ever occur to these people that donors are reluctant to send money to people who sound ... crazy?


To help elect Barack Obama, the media went after Sarah Palin with a vengeance.

Before she gave even ONE speech, they were reading the false talking points of the left saying she wanted to ban books, was cloaked in scandal, all while misrepresenting numerous aspects of her record as Alaska Governor.

Of course, these taking points weren't true, but that's no suprise given that they came straight from the Democrat National Committee!

As our Vice Presidential candidate, no one was more firm in standing-up for our conservative principles and standing-up to the liberal media than Sarah Palin.

And what was most appalling to the left-wing media was that Governor Palin warned America that Barack Obama would push a socialist agenda once elected - an agenda that included massive new spending, higher taxes on wealth, and government control of private industry.

Said Keith Olberman of MSNBC:

"Gov. Palin. You've finally done it. You've accused Obama of doing something wrong, of being something evil.... And now the GOP has selected its last drum-thump for the remainder of the campaign, although they said that about the last 17 last drum-thumps. Obama is a socialist!"

Incredibly, just MONTHS after attacking Sarah Palin for telling the truth about Obama and socialism, Newsweek magazine (no Republican mouthpiece) blared on its front cover, "WE ARE ALL SOCIALIST NOW."

The hypocrisy is just incredible.

According to Newsweek and their friends on PBS, CBS, and CNN - the U..S. is no different than France, and in-fact we should "embrace" this new model for our nation, as it is more "fair."

Tell me, if the media can help elect Barack Obama with constant positive coverage, aren't they even a GREATER danger when trying to convince Americans that socialism is BEST system and the wave of the future for America?

I hope you'll agree that this propaganda must be STOPPED IMMEDIATELY!

At every opportunity, the media pushes Obama's plans to nationalize banks, subsidize mortgages, and bail out failing companies.

Won't you join the Republican Party of Virgina in fighting back, to keep the liberal pro-socialist media from doing for socialism what they did for Barack Obama - slowly convince Americans into acceptance?

At the Republican Party of Virginia, we have an aggressive communications and campaign plan to FIGHT the propaganda of the liberal media who want to push MORE government and MORE Democrat spending plans at every turn.

In 2009, nothing is more critical to our combined efforts to push back against the socialist left, as all 100 seats are up for election in the House of Delegates, and we elect statewide offices of Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Attorney General.

NOWHERE in the nation will 2009 be more critical than right here in Virginia.

Your gift of $250, $100, $50 or even $25 will make a HUGE difference in helping us fund our efforts to counter the liberal press and give voters accurate and truthful information about the dangers of bigger and bigger government.

We are aggressively promoting the agenda of Ronald Reagan of smaller, limited government that creates jobs by letting families and businesses keep MORE of their money to fuel the private sector that creates jobs.

Your generous gift will be YOUR way of saying "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH" to the left-wing media, by supporting your state Republican Party that fights for you and for your values every single day, of every single year.

So please, give today, whatever you can afford to STOP the lies of the liberal media, and support your Virginia Republican Party that is fighting for you!

All my best,

Allison Coccia
Executive Director, Republican Party of Virginia

P.S. Your gift of $250, 100, $50 or even $25 will lay the critical groundwork for the 2009 elections that will show the nation the Republicans are BACK and ready to compete and win nationwide. Won't you please send in your contribution today? Thank you!

Category: News