Cuccinelli's Birther Backdown

Written by David Frum on Tuesday March 16, 2010

There is a lot of buzzing in the blogosphere about Virginia Attorney General Cuccinelli's campaign-season statements about the Obama birth certificate. Listening to this, I don’t hear Cuccinelli agreeing with the birther madness. I hear a politician striving to avoid disagreement.

Buzzing in the blogosphere about Virginia Attorney General Cuccinelli's campaign-season statements about the Obama birth certificate:


Listening to this, I don’t hear Cuccinelli agreeing with the birther madness. I hear a politician striving to avoid disagreement. The real news in this clip is not that Cuccinelli is a birther. As he said in a statement released yesterday: "“I absolutely believe that President Obama was born in the United States. I don’t buy into the claims that he wasn’t."

The news is that when in campaign mode, Cuccinelli thought it risky and dangerous to state his "absolute" belief in a plain and forthright manner.

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