Coulter: There Should be More Jailed Journalists

Written by Noah Kristula-Green on Saturday February 12, 2011

In her speech at CPAC, Ann Coulter provided a defense of Mubarak as a pro-Israel ally and mocked American liberals who opposed him.

Ann Coulter needs no introduction and despite having a terribly hoarse voice -- due to whichever bar she went to last night -- Coulter made sure to march on through her speech.  Her address gave the usual red meat for the college crowd, but also gave some back handed support to, of all people, Mubarak.

Coulter announced that she was happy and surprised to see liberals had "suddenly" discovered their love for freedom in Egypt. She noted that they didn't seem as eager to bring democracy to Iraq, even though Saddam Hussein would eventually be deposed and would emerge from his spider-hole looking "like Charlie Sheen after a weekend."

But now liberals are "shocked and appalled" to find a dictator in the Middle East.

She provided a defense of Mubarak as a pro-Israel ally of America. She suggested some other reasons why liberals oppose him: "he shut down Google; do not get between a liberal and his internet porn"

She also referenced similar critiques about how the Democrats responded to Iran's revolution: "The voting [in Iran] was over 100%, oh sorry I was thinking about Al Franken's election in Minnesota"

Her summation on why there is support for Egypt's revolution? "Now a loyal American ally comes under attack, and they are burning for democracy."

But it wasn't all foreign policy. On the bi-partisan seating arrangement for the State of the Union:

"It explains why they were sold out of t-shirts saying 'I'm with stupid'"

But the best of Coulter's routine has always been the Q&A session, where overeager college students get to ask questions of their idol. Some paraphrased and selected highlights:

Q: Where do you get your energy?

A: Reading the New York Times gins you up, keeps you going.

Q: Why does the GOP think that free and fair elections can exist in Iraq, not Egypt?

A: Perhaps it will, it’s not as clear as in Iraq. And we had American servicemen to make sure. When Iraqis were waving their purple fingers after having voted you couldn't find more long faces on the Democrats, including John Kerry.

Q. What is more important to American values? Being friends with Israel or knowing that there are jailed journalists [in Egypt]?

A. I think there should be more jailed journalists. [Huge applause from audience.]

Q. Why don't we have real conservatism? (ie. Why do we need Scott Brown?)

A. Conservatives don't get rewarded at the ballot box, but I think the Tea Party will change that.

Q. What do you think about the field for 2012?

A. "I don't like to attack Republicans" but "If we don't run Chris Christie, Romney will be the nominee and we'll lose." [And Coulter does not like that outcome.] "I warned you about McCain!"

Q. Who is your least favorite Democrat?

A. That’s like asking my least favorite disease! (She settles on cancer.)

Q. Who’s your favorite Democrat, if you have one?

A. "I can't hate Jim Webb, he served out country honorably."

Q. Is there any hope me as getting a job as a journalism major?

A. Take "College Republican" off your resume.

The last question was about GOProud's participation in CPAC. On this point, Coulter actually wanted to give a longer and less off-the-cuff answer, giving an answer that was surprisingly forthright about why she supported their inclusion.

Coulter first took pride in having spoken to GOProud at their convention and took credit getting GOProud to drop their gay marriage platform.

She then argued that the goal should be to not let liberals "co-opt" gays, or as she put it: "They want to use gays as a cat’s paw to attack the family."

And why do liberals want to use gays to break up families by promoting gay marriage? "They want religion destroyed. They want family destroyed so you have loyalty directly to the state!" (This got a huge applause from the audience)

Coulter made sure to shore up her credentials on this point: "I am as born again evangelical Christian as they come, AND I am friend of the gays!"

For Coulter, she felt that the most important thing was not letting gays becoming "identified" as gay:

"You have all of culture telling gays you should be liberal, just like you had all of culture telling women they had to be liberal."

She also has a suggestion for the GOProud motto: "Gays without the sodomy."

"I'm not without sin, none of us are" Coulter added near the end of her remarks.

Follow Noah on Twitter: @noahkgreen


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