Coulter at CPAC: "Olbermann is a Girl"

Written by Tim Mak on Saturday February 20, 2010

Before a packed crowd at CPAC, Ann Coulter didn't deliver a speech so much as a stand-up routine with many crass one-liners.

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Ann Coulter didn't so much give a speech at CPAC as she gave a stand-up routine. The room was packed - even more so than when Ron Paul spoke yesterday. Here are some of her zingers:

"Hi, I'm Ann Coulter -  if you'd like to hear my remarks in english, please press 1."

"I'm thinking of writing a book on national health care. It will be 2,000 pages, and you'll have two hours to read it."

"Scott Brown's victory in Massachusetts has got to have Ted Kennedy rolling over in his grave... spilling his drink."

"These days, a moderate Democrat is someone who thinks you shouldn't be taught fisting until you're at least 12 years old."

On Clinton's recent heart problems: "When asked by a doctor how he felt, Clinton said it felt like two interns were sitting on his chest."

"The upside of cap and trade will be that if we pass it and defeat global warming, Washington D.C. will see snow again!"

"CNN calls [the tea party movement] 'Tea Baggers' - that's the gayest term I've heard on CNN since 'Anderson Cooper'!"

"You've been a great crowd, especially since you're all paid shills for the insurance industry... Keith Olbermann is a girl. God Bless America!"

Asked whether she's ever dated a liberal, Coulter retorts: "Well, they weren't liberal for long!"

Posted at 12:31pm by Tim Mak

Categories: FF Spotlight News