Get a Grip

Written by Jeb Golinkin on Sunday August 9, 2009

So let me get this straight: Sarah Palin used her first public appearance (since she showed the world what a fighter she is by quitting because people were being mean to her) to call the Obama Administration’s health plan “truly evil”?
So let me get this straight.  Sarah Palin used her first public appearance (since she showed the world what a fighter she is by quitting because people were being mean to her) to call the Obama Administration’s health plan “truly evil” and accuse the President of the United States of planning death panels.  Congresswoman Michele Bachmann suggested that the President was going to start a new “Cash for Clunkers” style program, except instead of putting down our clunkers, Bachmann suggested that Obama wanted to kill our old people.  My boy Glenn Beck wondered whether the Federal Emergency Management Agency is planning concentration camps.  And now, WorldNetDaily is accusing the United States Army of planning to round up conservatives. I think we might need ourselves a new Merle Haggard to tell these “patriots” that when they start running down their country, they’re getting on the fightin’ side of me.
Category: News