Business Will Sell Out GOP On Healthcare

Written by Henry Clay on Thursday June 11, 2009

With the clock ticking, it is well past time to inform the American people of the cozy relationship between government and the business community that threatens the quality of healthcare for the middle class.
Several weeks ago, I argued here that Republicans would be wise to abandon their pro-business inclinations, and attack the business community in an effort to shift the health care debate. In short, the relevant stakeholders are colluding with Democrats on a health care package, lest their business become the “pay for.” Republicans should make clear that these businesses, in seeking to protect themselves, are willing to accept and promote a health care bill that would lead to more expensive and lower quality care for the middle class Americans who have and enjoy health insurance. This collusion has now broken into the light of day. Yesterday em>Roll Call reported< that Senator Max Baucus had called an emergency meeting of Democratic lobbyists informing them that they should instruct their clients not to meet with Republicans.  Specifically, the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee made it clear that a meeting organized by Senator John Thune to discuss the financing of massive new entitlements was off limits. One lobbyist gave away the game, telling Roll Call that Baucus’ staff warned “If your clients attack the process or the product, it’s going to be hard to work with you.” In other words, if you attempt to work with the Republicans, other than to coerce them into supporting a Kennedy-Baucus product, we will ruin your business. Understandably, Republicans could use the assistance and dollars of the business community in arguing against the Democrats’ proposals.  But with the clock ticking, it is well past time to inform the American people of this cozy relationship between government and the business community that threatens the quality of care for the middle class.
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