Bundlers Drive Obama's Massive Fundraising

Written by FrumForum News on Friday July 15, 2011

The Washington Post reports:

Nearly 250 bundlers have raised $50, 000 or more for President Obama just three months into the 2012 campaign, including more than two dozen who have each raised $500, 000 or more.

The bundler list and other data released Friday provide further evidence of an astonishingly successful fundraising effort by Obama even amid a struggling economy and mediocre approval ratings.

Obama’s official campaign raised $46.3 million and spent $11 million from April to June of this year, according to new documents filed with the Federal Election Commission. That left it with a whopping $37 million in case, including money left over from the first quarter. Obama also brought in $39.3 million in a joint fundraising effort with the Democratic National Committee, filings show.

The numbers put Obama far ahead of his GOP rivals, who are led by former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney with about $18 million raised. The rest of the Republican field lags well behind with $5 million or less raised by each of them in the second quarter.

Category: The Feed