Bachmann Claims the Intellectual High Ground

Written by David Frum on Tuesday June 28, 2011

Michelle Bachmann describes herself as having a "strong academic, scholarly background."

Michelle Bachmann describes herself as having a "strong academic, scholarly background."

(CNN) - Newly declared Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann defended her past gaffes Tuesday by touting her background as an attorney and small business owner.

“People can make mistakes and I wish I could be perfect every time I say something, but I can’t,” Bachmann said on CNN’s “American Morning.” “But one thing people know about me is that I’m a substantive, serious person and I have a strong background.”

The Minnesota congresswoman addressed her most recent slip up when she incorrectly said movie star John Wayne was born in Waterloo, Iowa, Bachmann's native city and the site of her presidential announcement Monday. Wayne was born in nearby Winterset.

“John Wayne’s parents first home was in Waterloo, Iowa and he was from Iowa and of course the main point I was making are the sensibilities of John Wayne, which is patriotism, love of country, standing up for our nation, that positive enthusiasm is what America’s all about,” Bachmann said. “And that’s of course my main point.”

When asked if it is harder to prove herself because of her gender, the three term representative said “people just need to know what a person’s background is.”

“I'm introducing myself now to the American people so that they can know that I have a strong academic scholarly background, more important I have a real life background,” Bachmann said.

People can judge this claim for themselves. But doesn't it raise eyebrows that after so many genuine intellectuals spent the years 2008 and 2009 denigrating the importance of intellectuality in politics, it takes Michelle Bachmann to remind us that intellectual attainment in a politician should be regarded as a plus?