Are Affairs Ever OK?

Written by David Eddie on Friday July 23, 2010

Writing in the Globe and Mail, David Eddie gives advice to a woman in a long-term relationship now considering a short fling.

Writing in the Globe and Mail, David Eddie fields a question from a female reader in a long-term relationship with another woman, but now curious about men and open to a short fling for "further investigation".  The reader writes:

I'm a 24-year-old woman and I've been in a committed relationship with another woman for two years. We are truly in love. Lately, however, I've found myself somewhat attracted to men. I'm not sure if this is a case of the proverbial grass appearing greener on the other side, or if I'm bisexual, but either way I think these feelings may be strong enough to warrant further investigation (and there is a certain gentleman I am interested in).

While I don't want to break my beloved’s heart over something that might not end up going anywhere (and there is a good chance that if I begin seeing this boy, once his penis enters into the equation I'll come running back to my side of the fence), I also don't want to spend the rest of my life feeling incomplete and unfulfilled, wondering if I am also attracted to men.

Would a low-key, likely short-lived fling on the side for the sake of my mental and sexual well-being be out of the question? P.S. My girlfriend pesters me on an almost daily basis to get married. I am against the idea. I do, however, harbor secret ambitions of getting married (to a dude) and having kids, all conventional-like.

Click here for Eddie's response.
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