A Eugenic Question For Benedict

Written by David Frum on Saturday February 21, 2009

If it ever were possible to shape babies in the womb to make them healthier, stronger, more intelligent, less vulnerable to depression or neuroses, or more beautiful - why would that be a bad thing? If it's not an offense against human dignity to repair a cleft palate after birth, font color="#000000">why is it an offense against such dignity to prevent a cleft palate before birth? <I'd for sure worry about the risk of side effects or other unintended consequences from mucking around with human genetic material before we knew what we were doing. But Pope Benedict would seem to object to using genetic science to improve human life chances even after we knew enough to do it right. 

Update: In response to reader comments below, let me add mention of something. The pope's speech is not yet available in full online. But the Reuter report claimed that the pope declared opposition to genetic modification to improve beauty and intelligence even when abortion was not involved. 

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