A Call to Unite

Written by Elise Cooper on Thursday January 13, 2011

At the Tucson Memorial Service, Obama was a true statesman; someone I have not always agreed with but today am proud to call my leader.

I was thinking about what I wanted President Obama to say on Wednesday.  I wanted him to honor those that have fallen and those who were gravely injured.  I also wanted him to talk about the civility that should be demonstrated in the discourse of our discussion surrounding the issues.  I wanted him to tell all Americans to quit pointing the finger and take the higher road.  Finally, I wanted him to follow in the footsteps of what Congresswoman Gabby Giffords’ stated, “All of us have to come together and say there is no fine line here.”  My President did not disappoint me and at the Tucson Memorial Service he was a true statesman, someone I have not always agreed with but today I am proud to call my leader.

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